Room 202: Film Fest

Friday July 14, 2017 - 1:15 pm to 2:00 pm

Watch film shorts "The Enemy Within," "I AM VADER," "Jazz Orgie," and "Skinjob," as part of the Super Geek Film Fest.

  • The Enemy Within: (4mins) Orgreave. Government vs miners, miners vs police and brother vs brother.
  • I AM VADER: (3mins) Dave Prowse who played Darth Vader tells us the story of his career as an actor. The Impact of a small role is something unpredictable, the road to success is paved by hard work. This can be applied to everything in life.
  • Jazz Orgie: (1min) Dots, Lines, Planes and Forms set themselves in motion and get drown into their own choreographic world. Within the ecstasy of touch they engage with Jazz Tones into a play of colors and forms which results in a total explosion.
  • Skinjob: (15mins) A group of Android slave workers steal a space shuttle off world and journey back to Earth to find answers to the question why do they exist? It’s a dangerous journey which they have to take in a bid for freedom.
  • The Phone Card: (3mins) Short animated documentary about moving to Montreal as an 11-year-old girl.
  • Drifted: (3mins) Strange things happen in this underwater City. Stranger things happen everywhere else.