Room #210

Friday October 23, 2015 - 8:45 pm to 9:45 pm

With the modern digital age and rapidly intensifying spotlight on the cosplay community and it’s members, many positive and negative things have come to fruition. In this panel we will focus on the positive and how to harness a good attitude in the fight against opposition. We will dive into further elaborating on the following subjects: Cyber bullying. Body positivity. Common misconceptions about cosplayers. The importance of accepting and not judging. Cosplay Competitions and losing gracefully. Dealing with Rainy Days. Paying it forward. Incorporating positivity into your daily routine. This panel will come full circle and focus on you as an individual. No one is perfect, but by working day by day we can all become better people and better members of the cosplay community. Let’s come together and discuss the issues and problems at hand and by the end of it swear an oath to make the community and the world in which we live in a better place. Hosted by Leaping Lizard Cosplay
