25 Years of WildStorm

Greenlee Room

Sunday November 5, 2017 - 11:30 am to 12:20 pm

In 1992, former Marvel superstar artist Jim Lee founded Homage Studios, his branch of the upstart Image Comics. After a few name changes, it became WildStorm Productions, and with hit titles like WildC.A.T.S Covert Action Teams, Gen13, Stormwatch, and more, it became one of the biggest publishers in the business. In 1998, DC Comics acquired WildStorm, and Jim Lee became co-publisher of DC. Panelists Jeff Mariotte and Shannon Eric Denton both worked at WildStorm--Jeff in the early days, from 1992-2002, and Shannon in the later era--and will share a wealth of information and insight into one of the true success stories of contemporary comics publishing.
