Out in Comics: LGBTQ Trends in Popular Culture


Saturday February 17, 2018 - 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

More and more, popular characters in comics, television, and film are coming out as LGBTQ, and there are more queer creators bringing them to life than ever before. However, with increased representation comes increased responsibility. What more must creators and publishers do to render queer characters with integrity? What are the different roles for mainstream and independent publishers regarding LGBTQ issues? Which queer identities are represented best, worst, and least in geek media? Join moderator Tara Madison Avery (Prism Comics, Stacked Deck Press) and panelists Christianne Benedict (Exiles, ALPHABET), Marshall Edwards (Prairie City Response), Max Dlabick (André and Karl), Kirstin Steitz (Oh My Foes) and others to be announced for a lively discussion of these and other topics.
