Science Demo Auditions with Wizard IV


Saturday February 17, 2018 - 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Yes, wizards do exist. Wizard IV is the official successor to a lineage of acknowledged science wizards beginning 200 years ago with Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in London. [ FYI Faraday was the role model used in the development of Harry Potter. ] W4 will be presenting some of the science demos employed by Faraday, and Wizard 2, Princeton's Hubert Alyea [ Walt Disney's Absent Minded Professor] , plus Wizard 3, Don Herbert, Television's Mr Wizard. This is a rare public appearance. W4 was the content providing science content for 18 television series, including MythBusters, Street Science, MacGyver, Nat Geo's Known Universe. As Chief Scientist for Discovery Channel, he has traveled to six continents , always looking for good science for the public. And that means he will asking volunteers from this audience to come up on stage a give a try at being a science communicator. He'll provide the science stuff.... you'll provide the enthusiasm ! Join us ! The wizard is old. He's been doing this for over half a century....always behind the scenes. You can join us and learn first hand how to think like a scientist