Pursuing the Extraordinary: A Keynote Conversation with Astronaut Dr. Mae Jemison, Introduced by Nichelle Nichols

Room 220BC

Saturday April 7, 2018 - 10:30 am to 11:30 am

Dr. Mae Jemison, the first woman of color to go into space, has shifted her trailblazing focus to paving the way for human interstellar travel. Her talk "Pursuing the Extraordinary" will share her personal experience as a space voyager, and her plans for her new Endeavour, the 100 Year Starship, a global initiative seed funded by DARPA to ensure the capabilities for human travel to another star within the next 100 years. Providing a platform for radical leaps, innovation, technology and human systems – this “Inclusive Audacious Journey Transforms Life on Earth and Beyond,” Dr. Jemison believes pursuing an extraordinary tomorrow builds a better world today - come hear how!
