Workshop: Revising Your Drafts

Panel Room 15 (352D)

Saturday June 18, 2016 - 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Revising a draft is quite possibly one of the most important things any writer will ever do. In fact, it’s so important that it can literally make or break your career. The panelists will spend the first part of the workshop going over the techniques for revising, which include reading over the piece line by line, restructuring and reordering paragraphs, fixing errors and rewriting entire sections. The second part of the workshop will be an exercise. The participants will be split into groups and given 1,000-word pieces to revise. These can be 1,000-word pieces submitted by the audience (if cleared ahead of time) or stock pieces prepared by the panelists beforehand. The panelists will participate and supervise the exercise. The revisions don’t have to be written out; marking down what should be changed is enough. At the end, each revised piece will be appraised by the entire workshop.
