Dr. John Medina: Mindfulness, Nostalgia and the Human Brain

The Opera House - Sun Valley Resort

Friday June 29, 2018 - 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm

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This lecture focuses on activities known to boost cognitive function as brains get older. Divided into three parts, this lecture focuses on how external activities such as educational experiences and mindfulness training boost memory and processing speed. Surprisingly, regular exposure to nostalgic experiences improves brain function. Drawing from his latest book, Brain Rules for Aging Well, developmental molecular biologist Dr. John Medina gives you the facts while simplifying the science. With his dynamic presence and humorously engaging style, Dr. Medina provides a prescription for aging well that anyone—at any age—can turn into an action plan. He focuses on four aspects of brain health: the social brain, the thinking brain, the body, and the ways one can change the future. Learn how emotions change with age, how memory is affected by the passing of time, and steps you can take to slow down the symptoms of aging. Walk away with tangible brain rules that will literally change the way you age and put you on the path to optimal brain health.
