Dr. Susan Eirich: Unheard Invitations: All Life is Calling Us; Calling for Connection, Calling for Help

Campus: Vitality Hall: Presentation Room 2

Saturday June 30, 2018 - 3:45 pm to 5:00 pm

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The wild animals are lonely for us. We are lonely for them, even if we don’t know it. We have become disconnected from each other. We can heal each other and the Earth if we reconnect. Our human-centered focus makes our frame of reference too small. It is critical that we not lose direct information and perspectives from the natural world. If we humans awaken to understanding the sacredness and responsiveness of all life we would live in a profoundly richer, sustainable world. Having lived with rescued wild animals over their lifetimes, Susan has witnessed paradigm-shifting events that throw new light on what connects us to them, and how.
