Michael Dake: Are you Playing the Game or is the Game Playing You!? Version 3.0

Campus: Vitality Hall: Workshop Room 2

Monday July 2, 2018 - 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm

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Workshop Price: With this newest version of Playing the Game, it allows the participant to see the dynamics between Karma and the Law of Attraction currently being experienced and how “clearing and releasing” old patterns will lead you right back to the Happiness within your Heart Space. We will uncover many old programs in this workshop! The workshop is essentially about turning metaphysics as you know it on its ear! This powerful, intensive 2 ½ hour workshop (with a 30 minute Q&A follow-up) is designed to give you a different process and method on how you can change your Soul Flow from a Karmic/Dharmic (mental/intellectual) process to your Heart Space (Inspirational/Imagination) process with ease! The workshop entails a number of different clearing and releasing exercises that will be experienced real-time by each individual during the workshop. The group energetic dynamic also will enhance the power of the clearings! Throughout the workshop, we will be Balancing, Aligning, Attuning, Attenuating, Calibrating and Harmonizing your Chakras, Auras, and Bio-fields on all levels of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual Soul body. Remember how to BE! Focus on your Happiness and Become the Miracles that you Are! Knowing that you have a choice on how you want to Play the Game will make the difference in your Life! Be prepared to experience changes that will make you Smile!
