Overconfidence is Your Weakness: The Importance of a Hero's Imperfections


Friday September 7, 2018 - 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

There is oftentimes a tendency when writing protagonists to overlook or minimize their flaws. On the other hand, many antagonists are riddled with far too many weaknesses so as to make the protagonist look a lot better by comparison. Imperfection in a protagonist is not a bad thing, just as strength in an antagonist won’t hinder the story. Having too few weaknesses can hurt your narrative as much as having too many. Weakness is a great way to show that our heroes are just like us. Nobody can relate to a perfect protagonist, because none of us are perfect. Often weaknesses can become strengths and strengths can become weaknesses. Imperfections gives characters room to grow and drives conflict. Join us as we work to create heroes who people can connect with because of their imperfections.
