Toni Childs: Because Your Beautiful

Campus: Movement Place

Monday July 2, 2018 - 9:30 am to 1:30 pm

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Because Your Beautiful Toni Childs' very potent four hour session is not to be missed. This heart warming playdate with your SELF, what Toni calls Soul Evolved Life Force is restorative and will consciously connect you to your essence so you can grow your personal Seed of Evolution uninhibited. A guided meditation reminds men and women that the seed is grown through acts of play, self love, self appreciation and self advocacy! Toni Childs is an Emmy Winner and three-time Grammy nominated recording artist, mindfulness practitioner and spiritual councillor employing techniques from shamanic traditions. Movement: The session begins by heating up the body with dance and celebration. Each person is given the opportunity to be the centre of attention and share their vibrant, beautiful selves with us and be celebrated! Toni sings the first of four original songs from It's All a Beautiful Noise on the heels of this sequence while people lay in Shavasana. Gratitude Salutation: After we quiet down our bodies with Shavasana we start with Gratitude. Asanas: The session moves into a gentle 45 minute mindfulness sequence designed to give both the body and the mind the opportunity to let go in the most yummy way possible. Meditation: 15 minutes of silent meditation. Toni sings you into meditation and out of meditation. Storytelling: Toni uses her storytelling abilities to share the story of the beauty wound that exists in each one of us. Because You're Beautiful: Toni sings her Emmy Award winning song 'Because You’re Beautiful' to each and everyone. Like a tuning fork her voice is a resonate chamber of truth attuning us to know we are a living Beauty. Group Exercises: The last hour is potent and powerfully penetrating! To be born into a body now on planet Earth means that our ancestors endured thousands of years of trauma. Toni's simple exercises bridges the gap, and begins the process of healing our ancestors undigested trauma we inherited so we can evolve with less resistance.
