Your Career in the Matrix - Are you trapped?

Carey (Career Clinic)

Friday September 7, 2018 - 9:45 am to 10:45 am

Summary: You are stuck in an unfulfilling job. You dream of getting a promotion, but it’s just not happening. You want to move into a different industry, but you don’t have the time or money to update your education and face hard years of study, outrageous course fees, and with it, a long leave of absence from the workforce. You’re already a master of your trade, a skilled project manager with years of valuable experience but you are missing the knowledge on how to market your skills internally and externally. The chance of improving your job prospects in an increasingly competitive job market can be limited. If any of these situations sound like you, then it’s clear that your career is in The Matrix and you are being haunted by those distracting mind agents. You see only problems, rather than solutions. The fact is that, like Neo in The Matrix, you have a choice. It’s only your brain telling you otherwise. PMI PDU Category: Leadership – 1 PDU Activity Code: IPC2018-S08
