Behind the Mask: The Power of Body Confidence & Positivity in Cosplay

Panel Room B (Room 111AB)

Saturday September 15, 2018 - 4:15 pm to 5:15 pm

Seasoned cosplayers Jaycee Cosplay, Sharon Rose, Lady J Cosplay, C3Cosplay, and Kati Coe discuss their personal journeys of self-growth in body confidence through the power of cosplay. Join us as we reveal our own superhero origin stories--discover why we cosplay and how cosplay has helped us overcome life obstacles. We will provide wisdom and encouragement for plus-size, LGBTQIA+, and POC cosplayers of all genders: advice for how to handle body shaming and bullying, cosplaying with confidence, photography and posing tips, and more. EVERY body can cosplay
