Great Hall - 3501EFGH (Upper Level)

Saturday May 21, 2016 - 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Before Batman v Superman, Man of Steel and Superman Returns… Superman was beaten into the ground and on life support in SUPERMAN IV: The Quest for Peace. Expect a movie riff and retrospective so hilarious it defeats the cinematic krytonite that buried the Superman movie franchise for over a decade. Comedian Dale Maxfield and his team of riffers present What Happened?! – live film riffs with comedic commentary and behind-the-scenes info. We’ll look at the series of decisions that led to this disastrous movie, followed by a full riff of the movie by Dale’s team, Cinemasochists! If you like Mystery Science Theater and movie trivia you’ll love this! Written and performed by: Bess Hayles Dale Maxfield Matt McCann