Cosplay Pre-judging

Cosplay First Aid (101A)

Saturday September 10, 2016 - 10:30 am to 12:30 pm

Sign up and pre-judging for the Cosplay Contest. We will have two contest division: - 70% "handmade" or altered - All others (thrifted, purchased, etc) General rules for all contestant: - Must arrive 30 minutes before prejudging begins to sign up (10:00am) - Sign-up will end 30 before end of scheduled prejudging (12:00pm) - Entry will be allowed on a first come first serve basis. - Individual/Groups must be present when name is called or you will forfeit your spot. - Not showing up may result in you not being allowed to compete. - Must comply with weapons policy of the con. - No liquids, smoke producers, open flames or confetti (anything that is hazardous or makes a huge mess). - Cosplay must be complete by time of prejudging. - Under 13 must have parental supervision. - Must have a valid con badge/wrist band to enter the contest. - Costume must be family appropriate (i.e. no nudity, bad language, suggestive in any way). - Freedom of movement is required unless you provide your own assistant. Rules for handmade costumes: - Costume much be at least 70% "handmade." - Must have front and back reference of cosplay to present at time of prejudging (printed or electronic is fine, as long as the judges can view it easily). - In progress photos are recommended but not required. Rules for all other costumes: Everyone will be allowed to walk in the cosplay contest. Your costume can be 100% store bought and you’re still welcome to walk on that stage and show everyone your nerd side! Please be sure to go to pre-judging and sign yourself up. You will not be required to stay for the judging or show off reference photos. These spots are first come, first served and depend on available time. All non-handmade costumes will go on after the handmade contestants.
