Shaping STAR WARS with Colin Cantwell

Panel room

Sunday October 14, 2018 - 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Join Celebrity Guest Colin Cantwell as he shows off models and props from STAR WARS! Colin Cantwell is the creator of the Death Star and the original concept artist and modeler for all things that flew in the first Star Wars movie, "A New Hope". His designs include the X-Wing, TIE Fighter, Death Star, Star Destroyer, original Millennium Falcon, Y-Wing and others. ships. In addition to his contribution to Star Wars, Colin has been involved in several other iconic projects including working closely with Stanley Kubrick to design the space scenes and suggest the memorable music for "2001, A Space Odyssey"; sitting behind Walter Cronkite as the "Hal 9000 Computer" and giving Cronkite the flight progress to broadcast live on national TV during the first moon landing; designing the first OmniMax theater in San Diego; developing the first multi-color computer monitor for HP, and much more. He also worked on several other movies including, War Games, Close Encounters of a Third Kind and more.