No Country for Old Kobolds - The Kingdoms of Kobold-dom

Gaming G5

Sunday September 25, 2016 - 11:30 am to 3:30 pm

No Country For Old Kobolds is an RPG based on two other RPGs called Dungeon World and World of Dungeons. It was created by Steve Wallace, and successfully kickstarted in November 2014. In the game, the players take on the roles of kobolds within a kobold village, trying to defend their village against the various kingdoms they are surrounded by while also managing the resources the village has available to them. As kobolds, the players are expected to die, and die often. Luckily, each player represents a whole family line of kobolds instead of just a single character, and with every death comes a new generation of kobold heres. Because of mechanics relating to the expected high death rate of kobolds, play for any player can last as long as they want to keep playing, and new players can drop in at any time during the day. Gameplay is simple and stats for the kobolds are easy to understand. During the first half hour of play in the day, and potentially at various intervals during the day, players will be able to assist in the creation of the enemy factions around them, as No Country For Old Kobolds' setting is built through the players and not the DM. DM will provide all necessary materials for play, including character sheets, dice, pencils, etc.
