Super Geek Film Fest Room 2 - L002

Sunday December 2, 2018 - 1:30 pm to 1:55 pm

"MUSCLES (10mins) While awaiting a visit from his father, Zac retreats into his 8-bit, 2 player realm of adventure with his companion Muscles, the hero from his favourite video game. As they wait, both begin to question how the arrival of Zac’s father may impact their relationship. THE OLD MEN (18mins) Captain Justice and his team of great heroes were once the protectors of Cosmopolis and adored by all citizens. After having put in jail their sworn enemy, the Scarman, they décide to put masks and capes in the wardrobe to retire. Now 70 years old Captain Justice is leading a normal life. But this old hero intends to resume service proving to all that his age is not an obstacle! "