Business Driven PMO Setup and Management - Testing Your Convictions

Waters D

Friday May 10, 2019 - 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

There is no surer way to invite PMO difficulties than to rush into a PMO model and people, process, and tools strategy accompanied by efforts to sell the PMO. Yet, despite lack of success, this is an approach still advocated and taken by many today. This presentation engages participants in thought provoking case studies and examples, that reveal, challenge, and correct common misguided PMO setup and management approaches.

If you are setting up a new PMO, seeking to improve an existing PMO, or in a highly mature PMO, this presentation will test your convictions, offer you different insights and ideas, and leave you with many “aha” moments that you can apply in the workplace.

Key Takeaways:

  • A new, outside the project management community, perspective on the purpose and value of the PMO and a supporting analysis technique called The PMO Magic Quadrant that explains and positions the PMO in terms of leadership team determined purpose/value of the PMO and PMO practices that specifically achieve that purpose/value
  • A new way of thinking about how PMOs can be set up and managed and a supporting facilitation technique called PMO Nemawashi that ensures the establishment of a leadership team determined and unanimously agreed to PMO Mandate
  • A roadmap consisting of three steps, two tips, and one Golden Rule that will ensure a successful and business-driven PMO

PDU Claim Code: C0024IBFNM
