Advanced Agility: Going beyond backlogs and burndowns (1/2 Day Afternoon)

Stony Creek A/B

Saturday May 11, 2019 - 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

The Journey is just beginning. You've written user stories, used Kanban boards, and sprinted for months. But now what? After all those changes, are you wondering if your agile results are what they should be? What new skills do I need to continue leading the growth of others? This cutting-edge workshop is an immersive exploration of deeper agility. Drawing inspiration from the advanced programs of various industry associations, the hands-on activities will challenge your assumptions, move beyond basic concepts, and offer techniques to deliver even better results.

Topics include:

  • Understanding the gaps and overlaps across the 3 leading agile frameworks
  • Maturing a team's capability to handle a broader range of
  • Mastering how to pivot, towards something customers are excited to use
  • Choosing the right metrics for performance, rather than pressure
  • PDU Claim Code: C002IAUTTQ
