Self-Publishing Checklist: From Manuscript to Marketing

ROOM 603 - Authors

Friday May 31, 2019 - 4:00 pm to 4:50 pm

There are a lot of ways to go about getting a book published. If you want to maintain creative control and oversee the entire process from start to finish, then self-publishing might be the route you want to take. Getting started either as a beginner in the industry or a veteran trying something new, it can be hard to know what the first steps to take are. This panel will go over your beginner’s checklist to self-publishing. Learn about the self-publishing industry: why should you choose to self-publish, what are the platforms to feature your novel on, how much will you need to invest, and easy ways to get your name out there. Learn about the process of self-publishing: what are the tasks you need to look into before making your book available for sale. Learn what to realistically expect as a self-published author: success is out there, but what kind of numbers should you expect for your investment. Self-publishing is a demanding opportunity, but if you want to maintain creative control then it’s a dream come true. Success can be yours but only if you know what you need to do to achieve it as the professional you are.
