Prop making from start to finish

ROOM 501 - Cosplay

Friday May 31, 2019 - 4:00 pm to 4:50 pm

Prop making from start to finish will cover making several costume and prop pieces from conception to a finished product. Jeff Rodriquez has been fabricating movie props and replicas for about 20 years and has been featured in the docuseries "in a galaxy", been a feature artist at the Denver Art Museum, working with Denver Museum of Nature and Science to bring their Mars Display into the future. This will be the 4th DCC/DPCC panel the owner of DH-P/FX has done. In the past we have covered molding and casting, thermoforming and 3d printers and laser cutters. We will cover all of these as well as material and process selection along with painting and finishing techniques. We will have live demos, product giveaways and door prizes.
