How Wynonna Earp Reinvented the “Strong Woman” Trope

ROOM 704/706 - SciFi/Fantasy TV/Film

Sunday June 2, 2019 - 12:30 pm to 1:20 pm

An instant fandom classic from the moment it aired, Wynonna Earp, like other successful genre shows features a strong female lead. Wynonna, however, is so much more. She’s tough, for sure, but she also has to learn to be strong by relying on support from her sister and a small circle of compatriots who represent her family of choice. Bolstered by its loyal fandom of Earpers, WE has also broken ground in featuring a coming out arc for a main character followed by a same sex relationship. Join us to learn more about how Wynonna Earp both exemplifies legacy of the strong female lead as represented by Xena and Buffy and simultaneously redefines the archetype.
