ED131 - So, You Want to Be a Dungeon Master

ROOM 708/710 - Gaming/Tech

Saturday June 1, 2019 - 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm

Tabletop RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons are experiencing a major renaissance, with explosive growth of both available materials and systems, while the popularity of streaming series, as well as podcasts and Adventurer's League communities continues to grow everyday. But breaking into the TTRPG community can be intimidating and overwhelming, especially if you're interested in being a Dungeon Master/Game Master. Don't worry, Sisters in Geek co-founder Carolyn England is here to help! A DnD player since childhood, over the last 18 months she's taken on the challenge of running not one, but two DnD 5e games. Joined by other local DMs, running all sorts of systems, they'll help you figure out how to start your own game, and run it successfully. From creating your "house rules" to home-brewing monsters and loot, join Carolyn and friends for a conversation about learning to stop being afraid and just run a game already. We promise you'll have fun and how knows, maybe you'll even find some local players looking for just the right table to join!
