Cosplay, Cons and Consent

ROOM 501 - Cosplay

Friday May 31, 2019 - 11:00 am to 11:50 am

Hugging? Flirting? Complimenting? Photography? In the era of the "Me, Too" movement, people are more aware of appropriate boundaries. This panel is designed to empower participants to lean towards creating a positive culture of consent and accountability. It's important to have a candid, open dialogue. In this panel, we'll explore what type of contact is and is not okay. We'll have fun, clever, participatory, games to show how best to describe consent with a large group. Just because someone is in cosplay, it doesn't give anyone license to violate their boundaries and online harassment can inflict legitimate harm with difficult consequences. Although the subject matter is very serious, we intend approach it with respect and with levity at appropriate times. We would rate this panel PG-13.
