The Artist, the Art, and the Ugly: Fandom in an Age of Scandal

Riverside 2 (MR 14)

Saturday July 13, 2019 - 10:30 am to 11:30 am

We look to stories for entertainment and escape; yet their creators’ lives have the ability to frame or even pollute our enjoyment of the works themselves. Fast-traveling news of public figures’ controversial and immoral actions threatens to destabilize and divide fandoms, injecting political and ethical issues into what were once havens of respite and imagination. How can we balance our need for refuge with our integrity of conscience? What might be involved in making a commitment to being a conscientious consumer of art and media? And how do we, as fans and enthusiasts, handle what feels like a betrayal of our loyalties and values by those who have given us so much joy in the past? Join us for a lively discussion among our panelists about separating the artist from the art, and whether it is right to do so.