ED150 - Everything’s a Dumpster Fire so F*ck It Here’s A Panel about Politics

ROOM 507 - Page 23 Lit Con

Sunday June 2, 2019 - 10:30 am to 11:45 am

Chair: Natalie Sheppard ○“‘This is a Good Place to Start’: Evolution and Revolution of Genre Conventions in Fatale and Pretty Deadly” by Natalie Sheppard ○“‘I’m the Death Spider, and I have a villain to stop, his name is Villain Donald’: Using Comics to address the political needs of students” by Francisco Torres ○“Pure Necessity: Sovereignty, Liberal Tolerance and Right-Wing Psychedelia in Star Trek: Discovery” by Jared Lacy ○“‘If He Could be Turned, He Would Become a Powerful Ally’: GRIT, Isolation, Rage, and The Last Jedi” by Dustin Dunaway