Neal Adams Spotlight

Room 203 - 205

Thursday July 4, 2019 - 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

A PRELUDE TO THE FUTURE OF COMICS. THE CLUES ARE EVERYWHERE. Neal Adams 3 decades ago, set the standards for a new world of comic book characters and stories. For another creator, this might seem to be enough for any career, but Neal is back setting new standards, new directions and new technology for the future of comics. To quote Neal, back then, we were living in the Stone Age, and it was enough to do to bring comics into the 20th century. Now is the time to bring comics into the future. What is the future? I’m about to tell you”. A big order even for Neal Adams, but in Miami, Neal will give us chapter and verse, of where comics are going, and from this and the brief thoughts revealed to us, it’s definitely an incredible place to go. WHAT IS THE FUTURE OF COMICS?
