Y'all Ball

GATHER ALL (Chattahoochee Salon)

Saturday October 19, 2019 - 8:30 pm to 11:00 pm

Westeros or Wakanda, Gallifrey or Gondor, Diagon Alley or Dune—whatever realm you’re repping, dress to impress in the garb of your people, then step through a portal to the most eclectic dance party this side of the ‘verse! The night kicks off with your favorite songs from the ‘80s to the aughts, then wraps up with a saucy, sexy performance by The FANDom Nerdlesque.

Our theme is "Every Heart a Doorway," in honor of our inaugural Author Guest of Honor, Seanan McGuire. Come dressed as someone from the world you most wanted to escape to as a teenager!
