Squidbeam Games: Twobit VR Demos

Sonoma Theater

Saturday October 29, 2016 - 10:00 am to 7:00 pm

Sessions will be held all day! Twobit is a unique VR puzzle-platform game. Only using his or her sight, the player controls a little robot in a strange room, helping him tackle problems and puzzles, and ultimately unravelling the mysteries of this dark and enigmatic place. Twobit awakens in a dark and mysterious place. But he is not alone. He sees you. You are his guide. When he asks for direction, look around the room and find a location for him to explore. When he finds a button, nod your head in agreement to activate it. Need to see what lurks in the dark? Activate the Twobit Vision and see the world through his eyes. But who is Twobit and, most importantly, who are you? Are you a figment of his imagination? The clock continues to tickā€¦ Something terrible is on its way. Can you and Twobit find a way to escape this pending doom?