Marvel Cinematic Universe trivia contest, with prizes!

Classroom/Workshop Room

Saturday September 25, 2021 - 12:00 pm to 12:45 pm

Hello, my name is Sean Mansfield, if that name sounds familiar, it's probably because my father and I run the booth "Xamu's Attic" at your con and have for several past conventions. I would very much like to host two panels. I have personally created two sets of trivia questions, 130 different Marvel Cinematic Universe trivia questions, and 100 different Star Wars trivia questions (with more on the way thanks to the most recent movie) and I would like to run two separate trivia contests at your comic con this year, however, if I am only able to operate one event for you, I would prefer to host the Star Wars trivia contest, as I have the best prizes for that one, as I will be supplying my own prizes for these events. I have hosted a trivia event like this at a different convention, so if you are kind enough to allow me to host one at Flower City, please allow me to use a well-lit room with chairs and at least four tables. I was placed in a very dark moshpit area when I ran the Star Wars trivia at another convention, with a very disorganized seating arrangement. It was very confusing as people came in and out and disrupted the order. The second day, I hosted the MCU one in a naturally lit room with several tables, this allowed me to form teams and also have an audience. It was an absolute hit and incomprehensibly easier to run this way. So please keep that in consideration. Please e-mail me if you have any more questions about my trivia contests, and I hope to run them at Flower City for you this year.