All the Geeky Goodness! | A Celebration of Stories & Their Fandoms

Sunday October 11, 2020 - 5:20 pm to 5:50 pm

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Gather with your fellow fans to celebrate the unifying and elevating aspects of popular culture, through the lens of fiction and non-fiction. Join Sam Maggs (Con Quest!, The Fangirl’s Guide to the Universe), Abraham Riesman (True Believer: The Rise and Fall of Stan Lee), Pat Dorian (Lon Chaney Speaks), Olivia Dade (Spoiler Alert), Tom Scioli (Jack Kirby), and Sarah Kuhn (Haunted Heroine) as they discuss fan favorites factual and fictional, and the influence of our heroes and heroines with Maryelizabeth Yturralde (Creating Conversations).

UK fans get the books here!

US fans get the books here!
