Discworld: Is There a Future in TV?

1st Floor - Emerald Stage

Saturday July 17, 2021 - 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

'The Watch' is the new BBC America show based (very, very) loosely on the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchett. It has not been met with kindness by Discworld fans. The adaptation has taken a beloved set of characters and turned it into a punk-rock take on a gritty crime show, with humor-esque moments. This panel will be an open discussion with Q and A to explore not only the shows problems and merits (if any), but also what the future of Discworld looks like now that Terry Pratchett has died. Up for discussion will be the Discworld novels and the feasibility of turning them into TV shows, how some of the older Discworld movies stack up, and what is on the horizon.