Super Powers in the Workplace: Leveraging Your Abilities to Thrive at Work

1st Floor - Blue Topaz Stage

Saturday July 17, 2021 - 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Would you believe me if I told you that in the workplace we can all be a superhero? All we have to do is hone our superpowers and avoid our kryptonite. Mark and Joe, as HR professionals and nerds in their own right, will discuss unlocking the secrets within Human Resources. Learn all the things they never told you about at work. We will cover workplace dynamics and how you can use your strengths through mindfulness to overcome tough situations – and how to use your abilities to change or grow in your career. As professionals, we use positive psychology, mindfulness, and best practices in Human Resources to share our knowledge and experience. The goal of this panel is to show you, the professionals, the benefits of approaching a career as if you were a superhero.