How Many Short Stories Does a Short Story Anthology Make?

1st Floor - Emerald Stage

Saturday July 17, 2021 - 10:30 am to 11:30 am

Anthologies with short stories are HOT! Maybe this trend was bound to happen...or did the pandemic enthusiastically welcome many of these popular anthologies? Members from the Houston writing group, The Final Twist, will be discussing how the anthology process began and how they successfully published 10 of these anthologies. This expert panel will further explore how these short stories have evolved – how to craft your own short stories – and, further exploration, will reveal a newer trend called Flash Fiction. *Attendees will gain knowledge on the trials and tribulations of taking over an anthology series when the publisher has closed their doors. Learn how to market your own anthological works. Within writing, now more than ever, there are high demands for short stories.