Penny Arcade Magical Mystery Panel

Main Theatre

Saturday December 11, 2021 - 11:30 am to 12:30 pm

Join Penny Arcade's Jerry Holkins and Kris Straub as they present and are presented with a fully-interactive moveable feast for the senses and sensibilities. On the surface, it will appear to them as an ordinary Q&A, where envelopes full of queries are launched at them with incredible speed as they scramble to keep up. But what non-euclidean (which is to say, pythagorean) geometries await them should they scratch at the surface to reveal this panel's freshest layer? What fell mysteries might they uncover should they try to eat the envelopes, or the questions therein? What if there were just like, dogs on the stage all of a sudden? SEE with your eyes, LAUGH with your tongues, and GASP this rarefied air into your lungs as we embark on a journey to the center of the bit.


