Tabletop Tribunal - Stand and be Judged

Leviathan Theatre

Saturday December 11, 2021 - 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Did your DM kill your Bard with a CLEARLY fudged fireball damage roll, even though you had sixteen pages of backstory? Did a player come to your table with SIXTEEN PAGES of backstory, and expect you to read it before session zero? Do you have a subjective problem in need of an objective ruling from a higher power? Bring your Tabletop Gripes, Beefs, Conundrums, and THE TRIBUNAL SHALL JUDGE. All rulings final, legally binding, and offered in good fun.

Nome (@NomeDaBarbarian) [Game Master and ADHD Advocate, n/a], Adelaide Gardner ( @ohadelaide) [Content Creator, Faeforge Academy], RK Wilde ( @RussWildest ) [Podcaster, Streamer, Writer, Pro-GM, Safety Consultant, Event Organizer, Prism Pals, Fear in Living Color, StartPlaying Games], Dr. Stephanie Guertin (She/Her) [Tired DM and Actual Doctor of Brains, n/a], Dillin (@Superdillin) [Professional GM, Game Event Coordinator, and Podcaster, Superdillin], KP of KP11 Studios [Photographer/Writer/Content Creator, KP11 Studios ( @kp11studios on IG/Twitter/Twitch)]

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