Hail of Fire - WWII Miniatures


Sunday December 12, 2021 - 11:00 am to 3:00 pm

Command the German forces defending a critical crossing point at all costs, or lead the assault of the advancing American army as they attempt to reconnect with paratroopers dropped behind enemy lines. Up to 8 players will clash across an expansive 12' battlefield, in a test of courage, camaraderie, and dice-rolling ability! No experience necessary. Ages 13+. Raffle prizes for participants!

Online pre-registration will be available via the PAX Unplugged app starting November 22nd at 1PM Eastern. Registered players should check in at Miniatures HQ (Hall C) 15 minutes prior to event start time. Non-registered players may queue at Minis HQ for wait-list admission up to event start time.


Gaming Events

