UFO/UAP Metals On Display (Studied by Congress)

Emerald Stage

Saturday July 16, 2022 - 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

This panel will share the story of Ben Foggin who is one of the three people to find metal reportedly dropped out of UFOs. He also explained that his particular metal was showing aspects of true remarkability. To no surprise, the unusualness of Mr. Foggin's remarkable metal was sealed behind closed doors in congress. One aspect of his metal was its ability to levitate under certain conditions. Mr. Foggin stated that he was told to keep quiet about his experience, but now he is able to speak out publicly. We will also examine a third piece of UFO/UAP metal which has just been received. However, this has not been tested yet. Footage of the UFO/UAP that left this metal will also be made available. The Ben Foggin and Bob White metals have been thoroughly tested under the care of Larry Cekander. METAL SAMPLES AND ACTUAL PHOTOS WILL BE REVEALED DURING THIS PANEL.


Science and Education