Fiore de Liberi (Italian longsword) basics / advanced


Friday July 21, 2023 - 9:00 am to 10:30 am

Basics Fiore de Liberi was a fencing master from the late 14th into the 15th century. His art includes wrestling, dagger, spear, pole-axe, sword and more. Students will be taken through the life and times of the master and learn a collection of his techniques. Richard Marsden has years of experience in fencing and will offer several books on the subject. Come as you are though bring a sword if you can. Advanced Students already familiar with Fiore's work or with longsword can come and learn the advanced techniques of Fiore de Liberi and put them to use. Students will spar using the techniques and be given critical feedback to help improve their fencing and apply Fiore's ideas. Richard Marsden has years of experience in fencing and will offer several books on the subject. Come with a full kit so you can spar.



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