Dolling Up: An Introduction to the Addictive World of Ball Jointed Dolls

Anime Ohio Panel Room (Rooms 101-105)

Friday June 23, 2023 - 8:00 pm to 8:45 pm

Many a midnight, internet roaming anime fan has stumbled upon the intriguing image of a picturesque resin face teasing the promise of some hidden world just beyond that targeted Google click bait ad only to find themselves confused and overwhelmed by the infinite dropboxes, large price tags, and inhuman wait times that stood between them and that lovely little figure. Fear not, O grieved weebs! We're here to equip our collector friends with all the knowledge they need to throw themselves wallet-first into another obsessively niche and delightful hobby. We'll help them avoid common pitfalls and find the best way to stretch their dollar as they pursue their dream of adding a tiny, ball-jointed soul to their family.