David Whyte, "Thresholds: Navigating the Difficult Transitions of Life"

Continental Room

Saturday May 27, 2017 - 11:15 am to 12:30 pm

Thresholds: Navigating the Difficult Transitions of Life. Every new frontier in the life of an individual or a society announces itself initially through difficulty, confusion or a sense of losing anchorage. We seem to be in this stage at the present, both as individuals attempting to move into the larger possibilities of our particular lives and as part of a society moving into a bigger global conversation. In the midst of a challenging complexity, personal or political, how do we navigate rough waters? It is this experience of the frontier where the necessary courage, the imagination and above all, the energy, are all found for transitional challenges, personal and political. Poetry, he maintains is the act of creating a solid ground, and from that solid ground maintaining a conversation with the intangible, the numinous, and the just about to happen. Through the insights of poetry David Whyte will look at the part of us that can in fact, ‘go ahead’, beyond the boundaries of a small defended self into a larger more generous participation with the world.
