Dr. Robert Morris and Shannon Vaugh - Unplug The Drug

Limelight A

Saturday May 27, 2017 - 2:00 pm to 3:15 pm

The truth about mobile devices and wireless radiation: what we know, what we need to find out, and what you can do to protect yourself today. What are the health effects of our mobile devices and the wireless radiation that powers and connects them? In this dual lecture, epidemiologist and electromagnetic radiation expert, Dr. Robert Morris, and urban health pioneer Shannon Vaughn will outline the deleterious effects of our wireless civilization from its unmistakable impact on our social and family lives, to the biorhythmic compromises it imposes on our circadian, digestive and cerebral rhythms, to the now emergent scientific consensus around the insidious electrochemical effects wireless has on our nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. New global studies on the health consequences of wireless radiation will be presented, including children’s exposure and risks, and the reaction from Baltimore City Schools and the California Legislature just this March. The speakers will trace the evolution of mobile devices, providing a background to the current 19 year old radiation safety standards (SAR) and rapidly evolving global policy developments in both American and international legislation. Having raised consciousness about the impact of wireless toxicity, the team will introduce a series of protective and restorative attitudes and practices and chart a healthy way forward in the digital world.
