Vicky Bates: "What We Gain Though Loss"

Sawtooth Room

Saturday May 27, 2017 - 2:00 pm to 3:15 pm

“We are all connected, part of a swirling circle called life. Human beings on a path, being moved along whether we want to be or not. Some are like those dogs on the way to the vet, being pulled along with all four legs frozen to the floor. Others face what seem like insurmountable hurdles, moving with grace and spirit. For most, tragedy is all consuming. Grief has no edges. It fills you and everything around you. Everything you see, hear, or taste is a reminder of your loss. As time passes, you realize everyone has had or will have life struggles. You become aware of those who have ridden the wave. They become the beacons, the torchbearers for others who are entering the waters of grief.” For many the thought of losing a child is too fearful to even think about, it becomes their worst nightmare. We are spiritual beings and these brutal trials bring us closer to understanding our souls if we work on enlightening ourselves. Your child came here to experience life with you and make a difference in the world. Vicky’s talk is based on her book, “Empty Jacket”. She shares a very personal story with great poignancy and humor. She will discuss what she has gained through the loss; revealing a range of emotions that allows the audience to truly feel what she felt at the time. Sharing her experiences she brings comfort and shows people that they are not alone when going through such tragedies. Vicky provides a positive way to view life whether or not they have faced such misfortune.
