Build it! Silicone Molds 201: 2 Part Molds - $20 per kit

Clockwork Carousel room 118-119

Sunday July 7, 2024 - 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

Now that you have the basics, let’s move on to something more involved! Two-part molds are excellent for complex designs, detailed works, or pieces that do not have flat sides. In this workshop we will walk you through making a two-part mold. You will get to select one of our premade pieces to mold as clay will not hold up well through this process. You are welcome to bring something from home to mold but you must have permission to mold it AND it cannot contain sulfur (no Scupley!) • Guests under 13 must have an adult accompany them • Must have a basic understanding of how to use silicone
