Opening Ceremony - A Wellness Opening Tradition

Sawtooth Botanical Gardens

Thursday May 25, 2017 - 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Toni Childs will open the Sun Valley Wellness Festival, with Traci Ireland, a Wood River Valley based shaman, with a Gratitude Fire Ceremony. Traci and fellow shaman from the Wood River Valley” will call in directions and recognize the First Peoples of the area Toni will then lead a guided gratitude meditation that ends with exalted music and a joint gratitude shout out.  Traci and Toni will end the opening ceremony by giving out 100 crystals in pouches to 100 individuals to wear around their neck during the festival. These individuals would essentially be walking 'Gratitude Ambassadors' for the Festival. “We will empower the person and the mineral to hold the Resonance of Gratitude for the entire festival,” she said. “Everywhere they go they will add this Beautiful Exalted Resonance into the space - every workshop they attend and every interaction they have during the festival.”
