
Saturday May 13, 2017 - 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

What's Gunpla, some of you ask? Why, plastic model kits of mechs that are found in the Gundam franchise, of course! And this contest allows you to submit your finished model for the chance to win a prize! For this contest, there will be two categories! 1/100 scale 1/144 scale/non-scale Here are the rules: You can only enter in ONE category per person. Meaning you cannot submit In both the Master, and High Grade categories. You can only submit ONE entry total in this competition. This will help keep things simple for us, and make sure judging takes less time. Also, try to arrive about 10 minutes before the panel, so we can set you up quickly! PLEASE BE CAREFUL AROUND EACH OTHER WITH YOUR KITS! We know how much work goes into these, and I don't want any of it to go to waste from an accident! And finally of note: THE CONTEST HAS NO AGE LIMIT! How do you submit your entry? Simple! Show up to the panel, and place your kit on the table! We look forward to seeing your wonderful work!"