Melissa Dombrowski, "Breathing Underwater: Healing from Severe Depression - to a Life of Joy and Wonder"

Columbine Room

Sunday May 28, 2017 - 9:30 am to 10:45 am

Melissa will discuss the story of her life, the depths to which she sank, despite her achievements. Melissa is an international flight attendant for American Airlines for 25 years, received a BA from UC Santa Barbara in World Religions, and an MA in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine University. She has been in recovery for 30 years (through the 12 Step Program) from bulimia and anorexia. At 22 she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, resulting in a total hysterectomy. She married at age 32, to a husband who promised he wanted to adopt, only to change his mind, leading to a devastating divorce. Throughout her life, depression plagued her. It was a condition with which she battled since adolescence, and she nearly ended her life in 2015. Melissa will talk about the specific events which led to a complete healing. Through a combination of both naturopathic and spiritual means (yoga, prayer, meditation, journaling) she was led to an answer that changed the course of her life. Her experience may offer an alternative view of depression and its possible root causes. She believes a multidimensional approach for healing is necessary. Melissa's greatest desire is to impart hope in those who still suffer.
