Super Hero Block


Friday May 12, 2017 - 7:00 pm to 8:25 pm

Bullock the Bruiser : After hospitalizing a controversial public figure, New York City dubbed Wilson Bullock "The Bruiser"; however, if Bullock wants to win back his ex-girlfriend, he's gonna have to prove he's done indulging his petty superhero identity. Bragging Rights : 3 superhero housemates try to out brag each other with their accomplishments. SideKICKED : A superhero (Daniel Tiner) in need of a replacement sidekick calls a service, but is none too happy with the guy (Joey Dietz) they send. Nevertheless, the two must head downtown to confront an evil villainess (Elizabeth Parker) and her own sidekick (Lauren Hearn). Good help is hard to find, as they say, in this sly superhero comedy. JUSTICE AVENGERS : A group of cos-players team up to discuss how to rid the world of one of the greatest super villains ever! Washout Hero : Carlos is a former super-hero who works at Car Wash. Despite his age, he dreams to fight crime again. But this wish is threatened by the reappearance of his archenemy. Healing Heroes : A Drama/Comedy based on a Therapist who specializes in treating Superheroes and Villains.